Monday, June 30, 2008

Masih Ingat Kes Objek Di Langit?

Pada tarikh 26 Julai 1992, mulai jam 11.30 malam hingga jam 3.00 pagi, seramai 200 orang guru dan pelajar yang tinggal di asrama Sek Menengah Agama Hishamuddin, Klang telah menyaksikan satu fenomena alam semulajadi yang amat menakjubkan, yang tidak pernah berlaku sebelumnya di mana2 pun iaitu…

AWAN YANG MEMBENTUK OBJEK2 TERTENTU SEBANYAK 28 [ dua puluh lapan ] OBJEK SEMUANYA. malah ada beberapa orang pelajar sekolah itu yg sempat merakamkan gambar2 awan itu satu demi satu dengan kamera mereka.

Dalam media massa, yg dicatatkan adalah berlaku di sekolah tersebut sahaja, tetapi ramai orang di sekitar Klang yg keluar pada malam itu, turut dapat melihat dengan jelas awan2 yg membentuk objek2 di langit itu.

Yg dilaporkan di akhbar dan majalah adalah sebanyak 26 [ dua puluh enam ] objek sahaja.

[Senarai berikut adalah berdasarkan lakaran dari muka depan Berita Harian tidak berapa lama selepas peristiwa itu ]


1. Kalimah Allah dalam tulisan Arab and kalimah Lailahaillah Muhd Rasulullah dalam tulisan Arab

2. Janin manusia

3. Manusia dewasa

4. Mayat dibungkus kafan

5. Sebiji mata berwarna merah seperti sedang marah

6. Lidah panjang

7. Lidah dipotong2 dan disambung semula, ditayangkan tiga kali

8.Perempuan berlari, rambutnya digantung atau ditarik kemudian rambutnya disambar api lalu terbakar. Mukanya bertukar menjadi binatang yg sgt hodoh, mulut meraung2 seperti dalam keadaan kesakitan yg amat..seterusnya mukanya menjadi tengkorak dan rambutnya menjadi kaku.

9. Sayap burung berkibar2

10.Perempuan berwajah babi

11. Kala jengking

12. Ular besar dengan mata bersinar2

13. Manusia berkepala anjing

14. Dua orang bergaduh kemudian bersalaman

15. Lelaki berserban sujud ke arah kaabah dan yang lain
membelakangi Kaabah dan sujud membelakangkan kaabah

16. Peta Malaysia terbalik ie Singapura di sebelah atas

17. Botol Arak

18. Tanda salib bertukar menjadi kubah masjid

19. Ayam

20. Sekor ikan

21. Peta negeri Arab Saudi

22. Mayat berkafan

23. Batu nisan

24. Seekor burung

25. Orang berdoa [ memakai telekung]

26. Tangan hendak mencapai sesuatu tetapi tidak dapat dan tapak tangannya ada bertanda bulat…


Selain itu peristiwa sama berulang di masa lain kpd pelajar2 dan guru2 Sekolah
Menengah Agama Sungai Manggis, Kuala Langat, Selangor seminggu selepas itu.

Seperti biasa hanya 26 objek yg diwar2kan wujud pada malam2 berkenaan, tanpa
dua imej lagi.Perkara sama juga berlaku di Balai Dakwah, Jeram, Selangor.Kejadian ini turut disahkan oleh Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dalam satu mesyuarat khusus diadakan mengenai peristiwa tersebut.

Mereka mengambil kira maklumat daripada 11 murid dan 4 guru yg menyaksikan peristiwa tersebut beserta beberapa keping gambar yg ditunjukkan.

Mereka juga telah menerima saksi mata sebanyak 200 pelajar sekolah Hishamuddin, Klang.

Dua lagi objek yg tidak disiarkan itu telah disita, dirampas gambarnya dari pelajar2 itu oleh ulama2 rasmi tersebut .

Gambar dua objek tersebut adalah

1. Imej ustaz Ashaari Muhammad sendiri
2. Imej nama beliau dalam bahasa Arab yg dibentuk oleh awan2 tersebut, ASHAARI tanpa nama ayahnya.

P/S : post dari blog. aku taktau la btol ke idak kan. tapi masa kes ni kecoh dulu. aku takot sgt, meremang2 bulu tengkuk aku. ishhhhh.. cuma bab si abuya ni, aku kurang yakin.. hermmm maybe propaganda Arqam kot?

to Ashaari, this song dedicated to you :)

The Bollocks - Neo Arqam Punk
(click to download)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Asal Usul Hantu (eeee.. takot)

1.Hantu Raya
- Berasal dari Tanah Melayu. Dipercayai terkorban di dalam satu kemalangan jalan raya, sebaik saja keluar dari Pudu Raya untuk pulang berhari raya...kegemarannya mencuri kuih kuih raya. Tempat menginapnya disyaki di balai -balai raya.

2.Hantu Langsuir
- Dikenal pasti berasal dari Tanah Seberang. Ceritanya bermula di suatu pagi raya bila seorang suri rumah sedang memasang langsir lalu terjatuh dari tingkap, terus mati. Selepas itu, dia selalu datang menjeguk langsirnya. Hobinya bermain aumm cak di tepi langsir.

3.Hantu Stokin
-Berasal dari kawasan perindustrian Shah Alam. Merupakan seorang taukeh stokin yang berjaya sehingga lupa rumahtangga. Hidupnya asyik dengan stokin. Tidur stokin, makan stokin, minum stokin sehinggalah kawan kawan menggelarnya Hantu Stokin.

4.Hantu Jerangkung
- Di percayai berasal dari Tanah Besar China. Ia bekerja sebagai penjerang kangkung di sebuah restoran. Hari hari kerjanya jerang kangkung dalam sebuah periuk besar. Satu hari seorang kawan menyergahnya dari belakang, kerana terlalu terkejut ia jatuh dalam periuk itu. Perkataan akhirnya ialah 'jerang.....kung', jadilah Hantu Jerangkung.Hobinya mencangkung dan tempat tinggalnya dalam almari, sebab tu le ada lagu 'Jerangkung Dalam Almari'.

5.Hantu Pontianak
- Disyaki berasal dari India. Seorang lelaki, Mr.Ponti mendapat seorang anak perempuan yang sangat hodoh. Orang kampung selalu menyindir anak ponti ini. Ponti punya anak - Ponti punya anak - Ponti punya anak. Ponti sangat malu dan mengurung anaknya.Selepas 5 tahun,anaknya keluar dari rumah dan terkejutlah seorang nenek, Oi! Pontianak...Lekatlah nama pontianak.

6.Hantu Penanggal
- Seorang ibu tiri yang kejam, hobinya menanggalkan kain anak tirinya Dah terbiasa dia rasa seronok pulak. Dia melebarkan hobinya dengan menanggalkan kain orang orang kampung. Hebohlah satu kampung 'Lari..lari.....Penanggal'. Bila dia melihat sesuatu yang menarik seperti kurap, panau dan kayap, dia pun mengilai

7.Hantu Pocong
- Berasal dari Puchong. Nama sebenarnya Amat Garpu Bin Mat Sudu. Dia ni suka sangat menipu, senang cerita...kaki cong le. Bila diamati terlompat lompatlah dia, nak pergi cong orang. Pucong! Pucong!

8.Hantu Kom-Kom
- Berasal dari Hantu Komputer,macam ko rang yang suka main Komputer surf internet sampai 24jam hingga tak ingat dunia..disebabkan suka main komputer hingga mati pun depan komputer,.....komputer,komputer. Akhir sekali di sebutlah hantu Kom-KOM..shortcut dari Komputer jadi ler KOM..sahaja.... Samala macam korangggg!!!! hiihihiiiiiii!!!!

*forward from forum

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pemberitahuan : Ceramah

YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad akan menyampaikan ceramah di Majlis Forum "Harapan Malaysia" bertempat di Dewan Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Negeri Perak, Ipoh, Sabtu 21 Jun, 2008 jam 10.00pagi. sekian terima kaseh

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tayangan filem 10tahun @ Ipoh

Tayangan + diskusi filem 10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka dengan Fahmi Reza di Ipoh.

Tarikh: Jumaat, 20 Jun 2008
Masa: 8:30 malam
Tempat: Rumah Yayasan Kesenian Perak,
32 Laluan Tasek Timur 12,
Taman Seri Dermawan,
Ipoh, Perak.

Info: 05-548 4150 (Hanim)

Masuk Percuma!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Konspirasi Kenaikan Harga Minyak Part III

"Harga minyak kita jauh lebih murah dari negara jiran, Singapura, Thailand dan juga beberapa negara lain"

Jangan bandingkan harga kita dengan negara jiran yang bukannya pengeluar minyak. Bandingkanlah harga kita dengan negara pengeluar minyak lain (Iran(0.35), UAE (1.19), Arab Saudi (0.38), Venezuela (0.16), Mesir (1.03), Bahrain (0.87), Qatar (0.68) , Kuwait (0.67), Nigeria (0.32) dll). Jangan fikir rakyat Malaysia bodoh dan mudah diperdayakan dengan fakta dan perbandingan yang tidak tepat.

Rakyat digesa ubah cara hidup. Kita disuruh ubah?

Ubah dulu sikap membalas dendam kepada rakyat atas pilihanraya yg gagal. adakah tugas kerajaan untuk membalas dendam? bukankah tugas kerajaan untuk membantu rakyat? jgn banyak sgt makan duit rakyat, neraka jahanam nanti tempatnya. Nauzubillah..

Paklah, terima kaseh tak terhingga dari kami rakyat yg sedang menderita.. :(


Konspirasi Kenaikan Harga Minyak Part II

kite bace plak penilaian dan pendapat dari bekas perdana menteri kita Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mengenai kenaikan harga minyak kita. Tun juga aktif blogging di blognya

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Konspirasi Kenaikan Harga Minyak

kerajaan suke banding2kan harga minyak kite dgn negara pengimport minyak. rakyat makin hari makin merana. menteri bolehla survive diorg tak bayar harga minyak. 4 tahun lagi JOM KITE UBAH!

ape nak jadi dgn pemimpin sekarang? TAKDE OTAK. BODOH!

Flyer : Cutsick On Tour

TAIPING : 12 JUNE 2008 (8PM)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Live Forever: The Rise and Fall of Brit Pop DVD

baru saja selesai tengok dvd nih. agak menarik juga kerana banyak info jugak aku dapat. cube2 la cari kt luar tuh kalo ade dan jgn lupe tgk. menceritakan kisah scene britpop sekitar tahun 90an serta kejatuhan scene ini dengan kemunculan boyband serta spice girl. haha! kat sini aku sertakan sedikit review mengenai dvd ini. jgn lupe carik!!

Released earlier 2003, Live Forever is John Dower's examination of the short time in which a small number of bands formed a musical movement, which the tabloid press dubbed Britpop. The film begins by connecting early-nineties pop music, the tail end of the Thatcher government and the spread of Ecstasy amongst young men, whose interests changed from fighting on the terraces, Benson & Hedges and Stella to dancing all night, skunk and bottled water. As Margaret Thatcher left Downing Street and club culture spilled out in the streets, British youth reclaimed their charts with a burst of rock music from Blur, Oasis, Suede, Massive Attack and Pulp, amongst others, and convinced themselves that the country could be bent to their will, such that Britain, as the millennium approached, could hold its head high and party. Celebrating the years in which the revival in British rock/pop chased dour American rock out of the charts, Live Forever looks back at Britpop, those who made it happen and the revitalising effect it had on the nation that gave birth to it.

If there is a star at the centre of Live Forever, it is Damon Albarn of Blur, whose decision to move the release of Country House back two weeks to coincide with the issuing of Oasis' Roll With It provided Britpop's most memorable moment. Within their music, recorded over their first five albums, Blur both defined and reflected how British culture changed between 1990 and 1997 - there at the beginning and also at the end - yet both points in time are remarkably similar.

Given that Dower begins Live Forever with an arbitrary connection between politics and music, following footage of the Poll Tax riots in central London with The Stone Roses gig at Spike Island, after which the band effectively disappeared, it's clear what point the film is going to make. That this is followed, however, by Blur capitalising on the gap left by their predecessors with the post-baggy She's So High and There's No Other Way, drugs-content and free of political ambition, betrays Dower's ambition. Indeed, looking only at the music, over the Pop Scene EP and the albums that followed - Modern Life Is Rubbish, Parklife, The Great Escape and Blur, whose titles alone reflect the feelings of the band at the times they were made - Blur rejected Americana, promoted the Britishness of Sunday afternoon roasts, greyhound racing at Walthamstow and suburban sex parties before throwing Britpop away in return for the embracing of lo-fi US rock, which indicates as much as anything else the contradictory and apolitical nature of Britpop.

That Blur did move on from Britpop is no surprise - it is in the nature of bands to do so - but that it occurred immediately after the feud with Oasis is. This latter band, whose guitarist and main songwriter was still a guitar roadie for Madchester hangers-on The Inspiral Carpets at the time Blur's debut single was released, were certainly more the more commercially successful Britpop act but where Oasis swatted away the battle in the charts with endless confidence, Blur never quite recovered. Where Live Forever is an honest document of the Britpop years is in capturing this difference between the two - Damon Albarn is a prickly and defensive interviewee, attempting jokes that never quite work and analysis that seems half-formed. On the other hand, Noel Gallagher is funny and charming, admitting his mistakes, lauding his successes and honestly appraising his band's first three albums, declaring Definitely Maybe as his personal favourite. That one avoids any mention of the Country House vs Roll With It feud and one laughs heartily at the memory should tell you all you need to know as regards how Britpop is remembered.

In seeing Damon Albarn and Noel Gallagher as the main protagonists of the piece, Jarvis Cocker from Pulp (scored by the magnificent title track from This Is Hardcore) and Robert del Naja, also known as 3D, from Massive Attack are the most interesting in the film, with both adopting the role of an outsider maintaining a distance between their actions and that of Albarn and Gallagher. Otherwise, Ozwald Boateng, Toby Young, John Savage and John Brown offer commentaries on the events of the mid-nineties from their respective points of view, with Savage generally proving to be the most interesting, if slightly befuddled at times, which leads to a consideration that he might not actually know who it is he is talking about. Special mention must go, however, to Liam Gallagher who concludes that his androgynous quality exists out a belief that he's a pretty boy who keeps his hair neat.

The main problem that exists in the film is one of a deceit that continues to be perpetuated despite the obvious evidence to the contrary. Live Forever upholds the notion that Britpop represented a social revolution that not only knocked grungy American rock out of the UK charts but which also removed the Conservative party from the Government after eighteen years of power, replacing it with Tony Blair's more rock-friendly Labour party, whose election was scored to D-Ream's Things Can Only Get Better. Despite Blur and Oasis songs having only slightly more political content than the average S Club Junior's track, Live Forever is content to connect pop and politics in ways that not even Red Wedge could have conceived in its more fanciful moments. The film's main failing in doing so is in not challenging those interviewees, such as Louise Wener from Sleeper, who are keen on retrospectively connecting their indie also-rans to a larger political change within the country. In spite of the footage of Noel Gallagher attending a party at Downing St and of Tony Blair holding a Fender Strat to recall his days in Ugly Rumours, Britpop's only aspiration to politics and the Labour party was in being associated with a winner. It is to Robert del Naja's credit that he appears to take the view that it was only ever about the music, although the distance between London and his Bristol home may have been an influencing factor in this.

Britpop, as with many things in life, lasted as long as it needed to do. When its purpose was served many of the acts moved on and that they did so gracefully is something to be admired. Looking back, it's best that they did as none would really have stood a chance against what came next - five young women nicknamed Posh, Sporty, Ginger, Scary and Baby waiting in the wings with a song called Wannabe...

Live Forever, being a documentary, was unlikely to be presented with a further making-of but what has been provided does demonstrate an interest in presenting a complete a package as possible:

Additional Interviews (1.78:1 Anamorphic, 2.0 Stereo): This section contains a number of interviews that were cut from the main feature, principally for time but also for the fact that a number of them deviate from the main thrust of the film:

  • Damon Albarn (5m36s, 4x Chapters)
  • Jarvis Cocker (3m36s, 3x Chapters)
  • Damien Hirst (3m49s, 5x Chapters)
  • 3D (4m49s, 4x Chapters)
  • Noel Gallagher (9m28s, 6x Chapters)
  • Liam Gallagher (7m46s, 8x Chapters)
  • Wonderwall (5m06s, 4x Chapters)
  • John Savage (16m45s, 6x Chapters)

These interviews are a mix of the odd, the interesting and the irreverent, going from Damon Albarn playing a ukulele in a deserted pub, John Savage discussing the post-Britpop mod revival to Liam Gallagher trying to explain why he walks as he does, which is something to do with being born in Manchester, long arms and big coats, it would seem. Subtitles have not been provided on any of these interviews.

Wonderwall Video Diary (30m40s, 1.33:1 Non-Anamorphic, 2.0 Stereo): Beginning with a warning that the camera work in this extra deteriorates accompanied by irritating giggling due to 'cabin fever' this tracks Oasis tribute band, Wonderwall, on a trip from Lancashire down to London to play at the premiere of Live Forever. Said camera work begins to appear shortly after the halfway mark as Wonderwall muck around on a beach, shortly before they get thrown out of the hotel in which they're staying...such dedication from a tribute band to their influence can only be admired.

Audio Commentary: Featuring producer John Batsek and director John Dower, neither of whom take themselves awfully seriously, this is an entertaining commentary with a large amount of background detail on the shoot, the interviews and the reaction of the interviewees to the film.

Trailer (2m01s, 1.78:1 Non-Anamorphic, 2.0 Stereo): As trailers go, this is a great example, containing a sufficient number of highlights from the main feature to entice any likely viewers but doing so in such a way as to complement the design of the main feature.

Britpop will forever be associated with an overnight flight I took from Dallas to London before which I picked up the London Swings issue of Vanity Fair. Given that it was purchased in the US, there was a different cover to that offered in the UK, replacing Patsy Kensit and Liam Gallagher snuggled under a Union Jack quilt with a more US-centric alternative but the text was there. Sitting on the flight, I got talking to a small group of twentysomething Americans, who couldn't sleep either, o explain who Oasis, Blur, Pulp and Suede actually were. They had heard the names, knew of the chart feud and heard about 'that Jarvis guy with Michael Jackson' but wanted to know about the music. Who knows whether they ever really got it upon their arrival in London but there was a sense that British rock was having an impact west of Ireland.

Live Forever is an entertaining documentary yet ends with a note of sadness. As John Savage notes, music in the UK swings back and forth between British and American influences and 1997, despite the social, political and cultural optimism earlier in the decade, saw Blur embracing US rock, the incoming Labour government committing to Conservative spending plans and the death of Princess Diana in a Parisian underpass. That Elton John returned to the charts, Chris de Burgh busked outside Althrop House having declared himself Diana's favourite musician and Britpop was replaced by the achingly dull Paul Weller-led, Oasis-supported Mod revival that included the dire Ocean Colour Scene, it's really no wonder that the Spice Girls and All Saints were embraced like lost relatives upon their arrival in the charts.

Yet, despite such an ending, Live Forever shows that each band has found the place where they belong - Noel Gallagher seems happy to have the Morning Glory-inspired madness behind him, Damon Albarn has stripped Blur of a guitarist and is pursuing his band's ever-changing influences and Jarvis Cocker pruned Pulp's fanbase of fair weather fans with This Is Hardcore. In a way, how British it is to have such success, to throw it away and yet still find yourself happy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Harga Petrol Naik - 78sen, Diesel Naik - RM1

Harga petrol naik sebanyak 78 sen - satu pertambahan besar dari RM1.92 sekarang kepada RM2.70. Demikian diumumkan oleh perdana menteri petang tadi.

Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi juga mengumumkan harga minyak diesel pula naik kepada RM2.58 - naik RM1 berbanding harga sekarang sebanyak RM1.58 seliter.

Kenaikan sebanyak 41 peratus bagi petrol dan 63.3 peratus bagi diesel akan berkuatkuasa mulai tengah malam ini.

Kenaikan harga itu adalah sebahagian daripada langkah kerajaan untuk mengawal subsidi bagi menampung kenaikan petrol, diesel dan gas, yang dijangka berjumlah RM56 bilion tahun ini, katanya di sidang media di Putrajaya.

Sejak 2004, harga petrol naik sebanyak 97.1 peratus manakala harga diesel pula naik sebanyak setinggi 231 peratus [lihat carta].

Kerajaan dijangka menjimatkan RM4 bilion di bawah penstrukturan semula skim subsidi tersebut.

Jika harga petrol dijual mengikut harga penuh pasaran, ia boleh mencecah setinggi hampir RM4 seliter - 50 peratus di atas harga sekarang.

Perdana menteri juga mengumumkan pemberian rebet kepada pengguna kenderaan.

Bagi pemilik kenderaan persendirian, berkapasiti enjin sehingga 2000cc serta 'trak pick-up' dan jip berkapasiti enjin sehingga 2500cc, bayaran tunai sebanyak RM625 setahun bagi setiap kenderaan, akan diberikan.

Bagi pemilik motosikal persendirian, berkapasiti enjin sehingga 250cc, bayaran tunai RM150 setahun.

Bayaran tunai diberi apabila pemilik kenderaan dan motosikal membayar atau memperbaharui lesen kenderaan bermotor.

Bayaran ini meliputi kenderaan dengan cukai jalan yang berkuatkuasa 1 April 2008 hingga 31 Mac 2009.

Bayaran ini ditunai dalam bentuk kiriman wang (money order) di pejabat Pos di seluruh negara mulai 1 Julai 2008.

Bagi pemilik kenderaan dan motosikal yang tidak termasuk dalam kategori bayaran tunai tersebut, kabinet memutuskan untuk mengurangkan cukai jalan mengikut kadar berikut, berkuatkuasa 1 Jun.

Bagi pemilik kenderaan persendirian petrol dan diesel berkapasiti enjin melebihi 2000cc, cukai jalan akan dikurangkan sebanyak RM200.

Bagi motosikal persendirian berkapasiti enjin lebih 250cc, cukai jalan akan dikurangkan sebanyak RM50 tertakluk kepada cukai jalan minima RM2.

Perdana menteri juga mengumumkan struktur subsidi bagi minyak diesel dan tarif elektrik.

Menurutnya, melalui penstrukturan semula subsidi bagi semua bahan tersebut, kerajaan dijangka menjimatkan RM13.7 bilion.

Perdana menteri berharap orang ramai tidak akan mengadakan demonstrasi membantah kenaikan harga tersebut.

Katanya, kos petrol dan barangan telah meningkat secara drastik, maka subsidi terpaksa distruktur semula.

"Insyaallah, saya harap rakyat tidak akan mengadakan demonstrasi," katanya merujuk kepada bantahan terhadap kenaikan harga bahan bakar sebelum ini.

*post from Myspace

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Costume Party Night

ini bukan party bogel, tapi party untuk happy je. sesuatu yg agak berlainan yg pernah bodysurf buat, tapi menarik! dgn ade dj spinning, so malam2 kalo boring taktau nak lepak mana, ape kate pegi luangkan masa kat sana. taktau plak mabuk2 mcmana plak kan? daripada flyers nih memang sgt2 menarik dgn ade lucky draw semua. great!